開春的第一個團購,這次Blendtec Connoisseur 3HP and HP3A Blender 果汁機/養身調理機的團購



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顏色 Blendtec Connoisseur 3HP 黑色 and HP3A 黑白二色

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Blendtec Connoisseur 3HP and HP3A Blender


找到兩個Blendtec 果汁機/養身調理機特價~~~~一樣一整組多一個64oz

Blendtec Connoisseur 64oz 96oz杯+主機 (美國五年保固) BPA free,乾濕都可用



Blendtec Connoisseur比較美觀實用~~若您有規畫廚房

可以在規畫廚房的時候把Blendtec Connoisseur的主機藏在檯面下

另外Blendtec Connoisseur的按鍵是預先設定好的行程~~~您可以選擇您要製作的食物品項

例如果汁 冰沙 奶昔 冰淇淋等九個標準行程~~~直接按鍵就可以自動打完~不需要自己調配瞬間加速~要加速多久的問題




HP3A 64oz 96oz杯+主機(桌上型) (美國七年保固)






製作果汁醬料冰淇淋熱湯都OK~~~BPA free,乾濕都可用


這裡團購價:一萬六千元~含運費代購費稅金  市價要17600元

Blendtec WildSide HP3A Blender - 3 Qt (96 oz w/4" Blade) and 2 QT (64 oz) Containers - BLACK

The Blendtec HP3A Blender has automatic blending cycles for ice cream, frozen yogurt, ice crushing, milkshakes, soups, syrups, fondues, sauces, dips, dressings, batters, whole juice, and smoothies. These cycles have variable speed settings that will change during the course of the cycle. This allows the blender to draw the contents into the blending vortex, which creates the desired texture. The blender will run its pre-programmed cycle and automatically shut off. If at any point you want to stop the blender before it has completed its cycle press any lower row button. The HP3A Blender recipe book is designed for an overall average in terms of ice temperature and the amount of liquid typically contained in various fruits and vegetables. Your experience may be different depending on local conditions and you may need to adjust certain recipes to have more or less ice, and higher or lower portions of fruits and vegetables or other ingredients. For example, if a drink is too thick to blend adequately, try reducing the ice a little and replacing the ice with a little water or other liquid. You will be amazed at the difference in blendability. Whatever your experience with ingredients, the HP3A Blender will blend things faster and more easily than other blenders because of its unique combination of high speed motor, patented square jar, single prong wingtip blade, direct drive coupling, and computer controlled blend cycles. In the world of professional blending, there are many factors which go into making a delicious and consistent blended product. It is from that world of professional results that the HP3A Blender derives its heritage. In order to blend many different things consistently well, Blendtec developed blend cycles to match the blending needs of the type of product being made. Blendtec HP3A Blender Features Digital Touch pad buttons for blender operation Up to 25 pre-programmed settings plus 4 custom settings The 6 pre-programmed blend cycles

超過七日或使用十次以上故障, sara會幫您送回美國修理酌收1500元的來回國際運費費用


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